The deadly sins of publishing

‘Underperformance, cowardice, technophobia, inferiority, complacency, coziness, stinginess, cluelessness, disorganization and dullness’ are the 10 deadly sins of publishing listed by Frank Anton, boss of US trade publisher Hanley Wood in Folio.

Reader Paul Rowney responds with his list: ‘Mediocre, advertiser led editorial, lazy unprofessional ad sales executives who fear using the phone and now think you can sell ads by email, poor circulation information, editors for whom the invention of “cut and paste” means that few actually write anything, but merely regurgitate someone’s else’s copy. B to B is in decline because the whole quality of the product is going down hill.’

As UK trade publishing goes through its biggest changes in a decade – Emap’s dismemberment and Reed selling off its trade titles –  what would be on your list?

2 Responses to “The deadly sins of publishing”

  1. Jonllo Says:

    Top of the list would be: creating online business titles which focus on serving niche communities which foster and share debate. Communication must become two way – not one.

  2. 10 Lame Excuses | Exact Editions | Blog Says:

    […] Magforum has asked us to compile our own list. Not so sure about the deadly sins, but here is a list of 10 lame excuses for doing nothing about digital editions: […]

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